Upcoming Solivita HOA elections

There are three board seats open in the upcoming election.

President Larry Anson and Director Jim Edge are completing their terms and their seats are up along with the seat previously vacated by former Vice President Marie Sepe.

Five residents have stepped up to the plate and have submitted their resumes for review: Larry Anson, Jim Edge, Carl Warren, Faye Davis and Gene Foster. There are community wide meet and greets scheduled for all residents to attend and ask questions of the prospective candidates: Wednesday, January 8th from 10-1 in the Ballroom.
Thursday January 23rd from 4-7 in the Palms and
Tuesday February 4th from 10-1 in the Palms.

All candidates have been invited. Please free your calendar to attend one of these important meetings. This is your opportunity to get all the information you need to make an informed decision on who will represent us. Voting will take place between February 10-21. The top candidates will be announced in the February 25th annual meeting in the Ballroom at 10:00. Watch for upcoming emails with important information on the details of when and how to vote.

The deadline to register for electronic voting is January 10th. Voting electronically is the easiest, most efficient and cost effective way to make your voices heard. If you haven’t already registered for electronic voting, please consider signing up now.

Click the link for the electronic voting, registration, and election process:

Serving on an HOA is a thankless job. These are residents that have stepped up to the plate to VOLUNTEER their time to work for the community in order to help make it the best place to live. They have a huge task of making decisions that impact all of us and in a community of this size, it’s impossible to make every single person happy. Are they perfect? Of course not, but they strive to do what’s best and correct any mistakes along the way. I commend all of those who have chosen to run, but I am saddened by the fact that in a community of over 5400 homes, we are only able to get 5 people willing to put themselves out there. There are many vocal residents who complain about the BOD members on a regular basis and claim they know the right way to do things but when the time comes to actually show what they can do to help us, they seem to be silent. We need people actually willing to do the work, not just complain about those who do. Our BOD members represent us and work for us. We need to support them in their efforts. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

2025 SDC Board Elections Announced

Please join us at our next membership meeting on Wednesday, January 8 starting at 6:30pm in the Ballroom or Zoom. The topics of discussion will be leadership opportunities with the Club, most urgently the Officer and Director positions scheduled for vote at our March 12 membership meeting.

The following positions are scheduled for election to 2-year terms: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Chair, Ways & Means Chair, and Publicity Chair. Which position is best for YOU?

See our current board here. It’s time for new leaders. The Club needs YOU.

Note: only current paid members will be eligible to run for positions or vote in our March Club elections.

If you haven’t yet renewed your annual membership for 2025 you can print and mail the form from our website https://solivitademocrats.org/club-membership/ with your check, or submit your payment online from there (click Donate), or come to the January 8 meeting, or see us at the Solivita Market on Monday mornings, or at the Solivita Club Expo on Saturday, January 18 from 10am to 1pm.

Brian Fillette
President, Solivita Democratic Club
[email protected]
Visit our Website https://solivitademocrats.org/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/solivitademocraticclub
Nextdoor https://nextdoor.com/g/qikq82agv/

Happy Kwanzaa!

Seasons’ Greetings from FDP Chair Nikki Fried


On behalf of all of us at the Florida Democratic Party, I want to take a moment to extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones. 

The holiday season is about connection, gratitude, and the hope for brighter days ahead—and we’re so grateful to have you as part of our community.

Over the course of the past month, our team has been working hard to debrief with party leaders, activists, and elected officials to discuss how we chart a path forward to take back Florida. 

We’ve also watched as President-elect Trump continues to select Florida Republicans for his cabinet in an attempt to “Make America Florida” — and that’s not a good thing. 

As we round out the new year, our team will be prepared to call out Republican incompetence and irresponsibility, as we continue year-round organizing required to make progress in our state. I look forward to connecting with you all in the coming months to share more information on this plan and the commitment we are all going to have to make for a brighter tomorrow.

This month, our Democratic Executive Committees across the state are undergoing their reorganization and electing the largest body of state committee members and representation this party has ever had. 

Early next year, our State Party will undergo its reorganization including electing a State Party Chair, new DNC Members, and other elected positions, and I look forward to serving as your Chair for four more years to continue building what we started, and put this party in a position to deliver real victories for Floridians and their families. 

This holiday season more than ever, I am especially grateful for each and every single one of you and wish you all a warm, restful, and joyous holiday season and a happy new year. 

Happy Holidays,

Nikki Fried


Florida Democratic Party

Of course I would be remiss this holiday season to not include here that if the generosity and light of this season compels you, our work is far from over and your support matters now more than ever as we face our End of Year reporting deadlines:

Make a Year End Gift Today!


 The Distribution Hearing was held Tuesday, Dec. 17.

A proposed Order approving the Distribution Plan that was filed on Dec. 8 was to be submitted to the Court on Dec. 18, 2024. Once we receive the signed Order, a Notice will be sent by the Class Administrator via US Mail to each Class Member which includes your name, address of record, your claim number, instructions on what you need to do if a homeowner is deceased or you need a name or address change, the amount of Club Fee payments you made as reported to the Class Administrator by Taylor Morrison, etc.

There will be a deadline to respond to the Class Administrator, SO KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THIS NOTICE IN YOUR MAIL!! (See address below.) The Distribution Plan includes a partial distribution so we can get some of your refund to you while Taylor Morrison’s appeal goes through the court.

On Dec 2, 2024, TM filed a Notice of Appeal appealing the amount of prevailing party attorney fees awarded (approx $23 million). In response, on Dec. 17, 2024, we filed a cross appeal, appealing the denial of a claim for “fees on fees.” What that means is, for the time our attorneys had to prepare and go to court to get the Class their prevailing party fees, we want TM to have to pay for that time and those costs too. Had TM not appealed first, it is likely we would not have cross appealed.

That process may take some time. Once the appellate court has ruled, an additional distribution can be made. Please don’t ask for specific numbers at this time.

Watch for mail from:

P.O. BOX 170500

Wishing you Happy Holidays!
Brenda Taylor

Polk DEC State Committee Persons Election Meeting

Polk DEC State Committee Persons Election Meeting organized by Polk County DEC

Date & Time: Monday, Dec. 16th,   7:00 – 9:00pm EST

Location Virtual event  Join from anywhere


The Polk Democratic Party is reaching out to all REGISTERED Democrats in Polk County to become a State Committee Person.  Although we hope that eventually the people who become SCP’s will want to become members of the Polk County DEC after a time, they do not have to be a DEC member to run for the office.  We will be electing up to 10 SCP’s to the DEC. 

Please sign up here for all relevant information to be able to run for this office.

Polk County DEC Leadership Elections

Scheduled for Monday, December 9th, at 6:30 PM.
According to the Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party, only precinct committee members elected in the Democratic Primary held August 20, 2024, club & caucus president, and Democratic members of the state legislature who reside in Polk County are eligible to attend and vote at this meeting.

Non-voting members are invited to attend the general meeting after the reorganization meeting at 8:30 PM. CLICK to register for the meeting HERE.

DEC CANDIDATE FORUM December 2nd at 6:30pm

A Special Letter from the Polk County
Democratic Executive Committee (DEC)

Dear Polk County Democrats,

We are pleased to announce that on Monday December 2, 2024 we will be hosting a Candidate Forum to introduce members who are running for leadership positions on the Polk County Democratic Executive Committee (DEC). The forum will be held on Zoom beginning promptly at 6:30 pm. 

The Zoom link will be sent on Sunday morning, so watch for it in your email.

This event will provide members with the opportunity to hear from candidates for the various open leadership positions with the Polk DEC about their experiences and their vision for moving the organization forward over the next two years.  The attached document (highlighted below) provides information regarding the forum and the nominated candidates.  


Letter from the Nominating Committee
Cesar Ramirez
Chair, Polk County Democratic Executive Committee

Important News on Club Fees Judgment

Via Brenda Taylor, former Solivita HOA president:

Court awarded requested  Attorney fees to class attorneys.  Waiting to see if TM will appeal. 

Court denied our request for 18% prejudgment interest, which means the statutory rate of prejudgment  interest is applicable for the period beginning April 2013 through 11/1/2021, the date of Judge Darden’s judgment in favor of the class.  We are still waiting for a date from court for a distribution hearing.

Class members (YOU!) who DID NOT OPT OUT should begin gathering info for their class claim, including the date  you purchased a particular Solivita home, date sold (if applicable); any proof of exact amount of club dues payments if you have it.

If homeowners are deceased, death certificate, letters of administration for estate, or other document showing who the refund should be paid to.   If you have owned more than one home, pull together this info for each home.  Hold onto this information as class members should be getting a letter requesting information/documentation.   This information will be compared to the info provided by a Taylor Morrison to make sure class members receive the correct amount.

(Editor’s note: Why the firm did not begin gathering this information as soon as the judgment was awarded is another example of our “justice system” that Democrats are wanting improved.  I think A.B. Data is happy to have our $35 million in their bank account as long as possible. The communications on this judgment has been horrible!! If you have owned in Solivita the entire period of elligibility you should receive back more than $10,000, plus interest. The amount will be prorated on the number of months you owned. )

When you gather your information, send it to:

P.O. BOX 170500

I sent them a letter about our sale and our new address in May and have not had ANY confirmation or correspondence from them at all. — Ellis Moose

Voter Guides and Sample Ballots Now Available!

Click on each link below to open and download a printable PDF of these materials:
Polk County FL Sample Ballot-BLANK
Polk County FL Sample Ballot-Democratic Recommendations Noted
Polk County FL Voter Guide
Polk County FL Palm Card-Take it with you to the poll and share with your friends!