There are three board seats open in the upcoming election.
President Larry Anson and Director Jim Edge are completing their terms and their seats are up along with the seat previously vacated by former Vice President Marie Sepe.
Five residents have stepped up to the plate and have submitted their resumes for review: Larry Anson, Jim Edge, Carl Warren, Faye Davis and Gene Foster. There are community wide meet and greets scheduled for all residents to attend and ask questions of the prospective candidates: Wednesday, January 8th from 10-1 in the Ballroom.
Thursday January 23rd from 4-7 in the Palms and
Tuesday February 4th from 10-1 in the Palms.
All candidates have been invited. Please free your calendar to attend one of these important meetings. This is your opportunity to get all the information you need to make an informed decision on who will represent us. Voting will take place between February 10-21. The top candidates will be announced in the February 25th annual meeting in the Ballroom at 10:00. Watch for upcoming emails with important information on the details of when and how to vote.
The deadline to register for electronic voting is January 10th. Voting electronically is the easiest, most efficient and cost effective way to make your voices heard. If you haven’t already registered for electronic voting, please consider signing up now.
Click the link for the electronic voting, registration, and election process:
Serving on an HOA is a thankless job. These are residents that have stepped up to the plate to VOLUNTEER their time to work for the community in order to help make it the best place to live. They have a huge task of making decisions that impact all of us and in a community of this size, it’s impossible to make every single person happy. Are they perfect? Of course not, but they strive to do what’s best and correct any mistakes along the way. I commend all of those who have chosen to run, but I am saddened by the fact that in a community of over 5400 homes, we are only able to get 5 people willing to put themselves out there. There are many vocal residents who complain about the BOD members on a regular basis and claim they know the right way to do things but when the time comes to actually show what they can do to help us, they seem to be silent. We need people actually willing to do the work, not just complain about those who do. Our BOD members represent us and work for us. We need to support them in their efforts. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.