Solivita Democratic Club July Mtg.

July 8, 2020 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Bea Motley, President
(863) 313-9064‬

Speakers:      Jared West (Candidate for FL House 41), Anita Carson and Billy Townsend (Candidates for School Board)

Topic:          Campaign Update

Login Time:  6:30 pm

Join Zoom Meeting: All current members will receive a Zoom link and Password in their emails on Sunday, July 5th. Use the link to login to Wed. July 8th Meeting.

Order of Zoom Meeting:

  1. Please login prior to start time. We will begin login at 6:30 pm.
    Early login gives you time to resolve problems that may arise while connecting. It also enables us to admit you before the meeting begins. You will be on standby until admitted to meeting.
  2. Agenda:
    President’s Call-to-Order, Club business, Introduction of Speaker, Jared West, Candidate for FL House 41 (All of Solivita west of Marigold Ave.).
  3. All microphones will be muted for the duration of the meeting except for the Speaker and the Presenter.
  4. Any questions can be submitted using the chat feature. Moderator will present Members’ questions to speaker in order they are received.