Our dear friend Karen Welzel has shared a call to action and it is one that we should all heed. Every one of us has a woman we owe our lives to and it’s past time that we recognize and honor them- by enshrining equality into law. Please read below and let’s all take a minute or two and do our part!
Call to Action on ERA Ratification |
Despite having fulfilled the ratification requirements, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has not been published. With just a week left in office, the League of Women Voters (IWV) continues to urge President Biden to act and enshrine gender equality in our Constitution by instructing the Archivist to publish the ERA.
We can refer to the LWV’s letter to the editor template to educate and build public pressure in our community. We can also support certification by urging Congress to support S.J. Res. 4/H J. Res. 25 to ensure that the ERA is published, as well as speaking with our friends and family about the importance of the ERA. Access the template and other information in the LWV’s ERA toolkit.
The link to email President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris via League of Women’s Voters (also found in the ERA toolkit above).
Thank you for taking the time to complete this, it will take you less than a minute.
Thanks, Karen Welzel