Pizza Party with Salad and Refreshments!
Staff from the Poinciana Medical Facility will be on hand to discuss the Affordable Healthcare Act as well as answer your questions. This will be an informative session as 2015 is the year penalties may be imposed for those who failed to secure healthcare coverage. No cost to attend 7 pm meeting only.
Doors open at 5:30 PM. Dinner at 6 PM. Meeting at 7 PM (Meeting is open to everyone. No charge to attend meeting only).
May’s meeting topic: Immigration Law Changes and How They Affect You?
Marty’s Delicious Chicken Parmesan
Cheese & Marinara on the side
Herb Penne PastaVegetable Medley
Coffee, Ice Tea
Get your tickets early. This one is a sure crowd pleaser.
Bring a Dish and a Friend
Monthly meetings are normally held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. However, our August meeting has been canceled because the Starlite Ballroom will undergo renovations at that time.