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December 8, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Starlite Ballroom - NO ZOOM!
Village Drive
Village Drive
There will be no Zoom for this meeting.
We will recognize the hard work and great efforts of our members and celebrate the first year of the Biden/Harris Administration.
Food and beverages will be provided for our members. There will be no external speakers, the Board will review our accomplishments of 2021 and member appreciation awards will be presented.
- New and renewing SDC members are cordially invited to the Annual Membership Appreciation Dinner & Meeting on Wednesday, December 8 in the Starlite Ballroom
- Doors open 5:30pm, Dinner served 6:00pm, Meeting begins 7:00pm.
- Salad, Appetizers, Wraps (Turkey, Italian, Vegetarian), Dessert.
- Door prizes too!
- There is no cost to Club members for this event and you will have the opportunity to start or renew your membership for 2022 at the discounted price of $12
RSVP via email to Kate Kohout [email protected] no later than Wednesday, December 1 to reserve your place.