A Few Words from Our Scheduled December Speaker, Catherine Price

Hi, Solivita! I look forward to finally making an appearance there at your December 13th meeting.

I am attending the annual convention of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). The thing I appreciate about our lobbying organization is that they take a principled stand on a number of issues of importance with healthcare being one of many issues of peace and justice both nationally and internationally. I agree we are living in critical times for many reasons. We need leaders that have a broad understanding of what is happening across the US and the world and have a sound moral and ethical foundation with which to make decisions. Our entire political landscape has become so corrupt that it is hard to know what to do. However, in the midst of this we do need to stand up and be counted.

Healthcare is one of many critical issues facing us – we cannot continue to spend more and more for the care that we all need. Ultimately a single payer national healthcare plan is the only solution – whether we can get there is another question. It is also not just to balance our healthcare budget on the backs of the poor and the low income working people. This issue of taxation is also conspicuously important. Republicans deficit hawks use this issue to bludgeon Democrats and then when they get in they start cutting taxes which in effect creates even higher deficits. Historically the Republicans have raised out debt and Democrats bring it down. We are seeing that yet again. Except now the tax cuts for corporations are going to be partially (but certainly not completely) offset by cuts to services for the poor and even the working class. The Republicans are desperate to pay off their political handlers. They are driving for this. If we give in easily then we as a Democratic Party are complicit in this act. Also, we cannot have bipartisan support for raising military spending and then fight against the cuts to spending for people. Makes no sense. That is an internal debate that needs to happen.

See you in December,
Catherine Price